
The Challenge

To create a stylish, yet functional, solar panel company website for a general public audience.

Our Approach

We approach website design by considering this mantra – don’t make me think. We know that even though users spend less time on websites reading content, they are familiar with the way they work through constant use. So while we aspire to make the design fresh, basic functionalities should still feel familiar.

In this case, the website design breaks the content into chunks, increasing quick glance readability. The more important the information, the larger or more prominent the colour. The colour scheme and fonts were chosen to compliment the brand style and to enhance visual appeal through the use of clear contrasting colours and brand consistent serif fonts.

The site is coded for speed with minification and asymmetric loading of scripts practices employed to give the site the best chance of high native search engine ranking.

Services Delivered

  • Visual Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Theme Coding
  • Copywriting
  • Content Insertion
  • Prototyping
  • Testing & Validation
D Solar